Mines And Minerals (Development And Regulation) Act, 1957 (No. 67 of 1957)

Power of entry and inspection.

सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट स्टेट गवर्नमेंट के जनरल आर्डर द्वारा ऑथराइजेशन के बाद कोई भी व्यक्ति इस एक्ट या रूल के तहत खान के जांच के लिए:
(a) माइंस में घुस सकता है एवं जांच कर सकता है ।
(b) survey and take measurements in any such mine; 
(c) weigh, measure or take measurements of the stocks of minerals lying at  any mine; 
(d) examine any document, book, register, or record in the possession or  power of any person having the control of, or connected with, any mine  and place marks of identification thereon, and take extracts from or make  copies of such document, book, register or record; 
(e) order the production of any such document, book, register, record, as is  referred to in clause (d); and 
(f) examine any person having the control of, or connected with, any mine. 
(2) Every person authorised by the 1[Central Government or a State Government]  under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning  of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code, and every person to whom an order or  summons is issued by virtue of the powers conferred by clause (e) or clause (f) of  that sub-section shall be legally bound to comply with such order or summons, as  the case may be. 

यानी कि Authorized person, public servant U/S 21 of IPC आईपीसी के तहत माना जाएगा और क्लाउज (e) or (f) के तहत मांगने पर वह legally bound to comply होगा।

Rights and liabilities of a holder of prospecting licence or mining lease.

(1) RP/ PL/ ML जारी होने पर उस जमीन पर प्रवेश कर सकता है लेकिन अगर वहां कोई घर है तब वहां नहीं घुस सकता है जब तक की मालिक से अनुमति नहीं मिला हो या वैसे occupier को 7 दिन का पूर्व लिखित नोटिस देने के बाद ।
(2)The holder of a reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence or mining lease]  referred to in sub-section (1) shall be liable to pay compensation in such manner  as may be prescribed to the occupier of the surface of the land granted under such permit, licence or lease] for any loss or damage which is likely to arise or  has arisen from or in consequence of the 8[reconnaissance, mining or prospecting  operations.
(3) The amount of compensation payable under sub-section (2) shall be determined by the State Government in the manner prescribed.

Recovery of certain sums as arrears of land revenue.

(1) Any rent, royalty, tax, fee or other sum due to the Government under this Act or  the rules made thereunder or under the terms and conditions of any  1[reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence or mining lease] may, on a  certificate of such officer as may be specified by the State Government in this  behalf by general or special order, be recovered in the same manner as an  arrear of land revenue.  (2) Any rent, royalty, tax, fee or other sum due to the Government either under this  Act or any rule made thereunder or under the terms and conditions of any  2[reconnaissance permit, prospecting licence or mining lease] may, on a certificate  of such officer as may be specified by the State Government in this behalf by  general or special order, be recovered in the same manner as if it were an arrear of  land revenue and every such sum which becomes due to the Government after  the commencement of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)  Amendment Act, 1972, together with the interest due thereon shall be a first  charge on the assets of the holder of the 3[reconnaissance permit, prospecting  licence or mining lease], as the case may be.

Delegation of powers.

(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that  any power exercisable by it under this Act may, in relation to such matters and  subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification be  exercisable also by – 
(a) Such officer or authority subordinate to the Central Government; or 
(b) Such State Government or such officer or authority subordinate to a State  Government, as may be specified in the notification. 
(2) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that any  power exercisable by it under this Act may, in relation to such matters and subject  to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification, be exercisable  also by such officer or authority subordinate to the State Government as may be  specified in the notification. 
(3) Any rules made by the Central Government under this Act may confer powers  and impose duties or authorise the conferring of powers and imposition of duties  upon any State Government or any officer or authority subordinate thereto. 

यानी कि
(1) सेंट्रल गवर्मेंट अपना पावर को अपने ऑफिसर या Authority सबोर्डिनेट टू सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट या स्टेट गवर्नमेंट or ऑफिसर या अथॉरिटी सबोर्डिनेट टू स्टेट गवर्नमेंट को डेलीगेट कर सकती है.
(2) State government notification के जरिए ऑफिसर या स्टेट गवर्नमेंट के अथॉरिटी सबोर्डिनेट को Delegate कर सकती हैं ।
(3) कोई रूल जो सेंट्रल गवर्नमेंट के द्वारा बना हुआ है वह स्टेट गवर्मेंट के द्वारा या उसके अधिकृत ऑफिसर द्वारा भी मान्य होगा ।

Note: इस सेक्सन के आधार पर रूल बना है:
15-05-2002— Marble Development and conservation Rules 2002